If you have any questions or concerns about a Silver Peacock product, please contact us, we are more than happy to help. We want you to be happy with, and confident in our products!
In the unlikely event that you need to return or exchange an item....
Your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it, and it must be in the original packaging.
Some types of goods are exempt from being returned for a refund or exchange where they are personalised or custom orders. We will make this clear on the products affected.
If you change your mind about a purchase you have made within 7 working days after the date of delivery, you are entitled to a full refund of the original purchase price for the goods or services you wish to return (in original condition), and the original postage and packaging charges made, under the Consumer Contracts Regulations. You will not be entitled to a refund of the cost you incur in returning the item to us. Just let us know you'd like to send the item back by e-mailing info@silverpeacock.com.
If the item you purchased was not as expected, does not fit as expected or you think the item was not as described in the item description, please contact us first before requesting a refund or exchange as we may be able to resolve your problem to your satisfaction. Just e-mail us at info@silverpeacock.com
Once your returned item is received and inspected we'll contact you to let you know it's arrived and when to expect your exchange or whether your refund will be processed or not, and credit your original method of payment (if a refund is required), within 3 working days. The cost of postage (literally the cost of the stamp) for exchanged items will be deducted from any refund, or we may ask you to cover the cost of postage (the cost of the stamp) for any exchange.
If you haven't received a refund yet where we have told you we have issued one, please check your bank account or card statement to make sure it hasn't been received and then contact your bank as some banks or card companies take a number of days to credit your account.
If an item you purchased was purchased with a discount voucher, then we will only refund the amount that you paid (and not the amount the item was listed for).